Dear Stacy,

Recently I sent out a letter letting you know about our efforts to help during this difficult time. I want to let you know how much you can save right now due to the impact COVID-19 has had on dealers across the country. I have been in the automotive industry for many years and I’ve never seen our manufacturer offer 9 months of no payments.

If you were to come in today, we will pay the first 6 months and defer an additional 3 months of payment relief; meaning you won’t pay until 2021!

I may also be able to get you 0% financing for 82 months!

PS: Bring in proof of your stimulus check and my GM said he’ll double it for you.

You must set up an appointment!
[Sales Manager]
Sales Manager
CK Motors

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Caldwell & Kerr Motors

123456 Somewhere St. City, St 12345