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No Market adjustments ever - never any dealer handling fees

Keeping up with routine service appointments means the world to your vehicle, and our team at Mainstreet CDJR of Lansing wants to ensure the longevity of your vehicle.

Whether you’re looking for routine maintenance or something more involved, our experts are here to help get you running smoothly again.

Explore our sizzlin’ savings below!

MainStreet reviews

Valid only at Mainstreet CDJR of Lansing. Coupon must be presented at time-of-service check - in. Cannot be combined with other coupons or in store specials. Offer expires on 9/30/2023.

MainStreet reviews

Valid only at Mainstreet CDJR of Lansing. Coupon must be presented at time-of-service check - in. Cannot be combined with other coupons or in store specials. Offer expires on 9/30/2023.

MainStreet reviews

Valid only at Mainstreet CDJR of Lansing. Coupon must be presented at time-of-service check - in. Cannot be combined with other coupons or in store specials. Offer expires on 9/30/2023.

Don’t wait! These service offers are only for a limited time. Click the button to claim the summer service you deserve and take advantage of these sizzlin’ summer savings at Mainstreet CDJR of Lansing!

Service Specials
555 N Main St, Lansing, KS 66043
(913) 727-9400