Don’t get stranded in the drop off line because you forgot get the service your vehicle needs!
Take advantage of big back to school service savings at Mountain States Toyota today!
Head Of Class Deals
Price plus tax and shop supplies. Valid only at Mountain States Toyota. Service may vary on some models. Conventional oil only. Synthetic oil at an additional cost. Must present coupon at time of purchase. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, or specials. Limit one coupon per person. Coupon does not apply to prior purchase. Other restrictions may apply. Void where prohibited. Offer Expires 8/31/19.
Price plus tax and shop supplies. Valid only at Mountain States Toyota. Service may vary on some models. Must present coupon at time of purchase. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, or specials. Limit one coupon per person. Coupon does not apply to prior purchase. Other restrictions may apply. Void where prohibited. Offer Expires 8/31/19.
Price plus tax and shop supplies, includes installation. Valid only at Mountain States Toyota, on approved tires. Service may vary on some models. Toyota and Scion vehicles only. Must present coupon at time of purchase. May not be combined with other coupons, discounts, or specials. Limit one coupon per person. Offer Expires 8/31/19.
$5 off a set of Sightline Wiper blades. Price plus tax and shop supplies. Valid only at Mountain States Toyota. Must present coupon at time of purchase. Coupon does not apply to prior purchase. Restrictions apply. Toyota and Scion vehicles only. See Mountain States Toyota for details. Offer Expires 8/31/19.
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