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0% APR For 60 Months
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0% APR For 48 Months
2.9% APR For 60 Months
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genuine toyota complete

Rountree Moore Toyota

1232 W US Hwy 90
Lake City, FL 32055

Sales: (386) 210-9824

Service: (386) 204-6430

Rountree Moore Toyota

0% APR For 60 Months | 60 monthly payments of $17.48 per $1,000 financed, with approved credit through SETF. Price is plus sales tax, $184.00 private tag agency fee and titling, any dealer installed accessories and dealer service fee of $899, which represents cost and profits to the selling dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting, adjusting new vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale. See dealer for details. Offers expire 11/30/2020.

0% APR For 48 Months | 48 monthly payments of $20.83 per $1,000 financed, with approved credit through SETF. Price is plus sales tax, $184.00 private tag agency fee and titling, any dealer installed accessories and dealer service fee of $899, which represents cost and profits to the selling dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting, adjusting new vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale. See dealer for details. Offers expire 11/30/2020.

2.9% APR For 48 Months | Excludes 2 trims. 60 monthly payments of $17.92 per $1,000 financed, with approved credit through SETF. Price is plus sales tax, $184.00 private tag agency fee and titling, any dealer installed accessories and dealer service fee of $899, which represents cost and profits to the selling dealer for items such as cleaning, inspecting, adjusting new vehicles and preparing documents related to the sale. See dealer for details. Offers expire 11/30/2020.

Buy 2 Tires Get 2 Free | Valid on purchase of select in-stock tires made in a single transaction. Valid for only Cooper, National, Maxxis, Sumitomas and Uniroyal. Maximum discount $450.00. Requires premium mounting and balancing and one year alignment. CFNA application is required. Free tires are the lowest regular-retail-priced tires. Eligibility may vary depending on tire size, model and vehicle. Tire disposal fee if applicable. TPMS reset where required. Shop fee of 10% based on non-discounted regular retail price not to exceed $35 where permitted. Charge for additional parts/service if needed. No cash value. Not valid with other discount offers. See store for details. Expires 11/30/2020.

Genuine Toyota Complete | Must present coupon at time of write-up. Not valid with any other offer, coupon or discount or prior purchase. Installation and labor included. Tax and shop supplies extra. Up to 5 quarts of oil. Toyota and Scion vehicles only. Expires 11/30/2020.